Thursday, September 17, 2009

3 Tips on Running Better

Do you fear running because it hurts? Do you have shin splints or other various body pains when you're running (or after you're done running)? By following these 3 easy tips, you will not feel those body aches and pains any more and you will be able to correct your running form on your own.

Tip #1: Try running barefoot or with shoes with thin/flexible soles (like aqua shoes)

This is probably the tip that has helped me the most. By running on bare feet or with thin shoes, because of various debris on the ground, you will be able to remove the obstacles that may be interfering with your natural form. I would recommend running barefoot, to help you notice any aches/pains that your body may be experiencing.

Tip #2: Run on your toes vs your heels

This is also another tip that has helped me, and ties into tip #1. Running on your heels tends to damage your body in ways that you do not notice. This is mostly due to the shoes that you wear. To minimize the damage, run on your toes (or forefoot). This takes some getting used to as your muscles build up to support the new method of running. You will notice that your calves will be sore from running like this, but you have to stick with it, as it is building up the necessary endurance that it needs to allow you to run faster and farther.

Tip #3: Listen to your body

If you are following these tips your body will tell you what you are doing wrong. You have to be aware of any various aches and pains that your body may be telling you. Do you experience a pain in you ankles when you run? Maybe you're rotating your foot to far when you land. Are you experiencing a pain in your knees? Try shortening your stride. The benefit to running to little or no support on your feet, will allow you to diagnose any issues that you experience while you are running.

Did you know a number of people that have started running barefoot were once told that they could never run again by doctors? Now they have corrected that problem by running barefoot and running several miles a day. Would you like to learn more? Check out

Augie Malson started running after he got into "Hashing", a drinking club with a running problem. Check out more adventures while running and "hashing" at

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